Miniature art is the art of the small. It reminds us that small things count, the subtle gesture, the fleeting feeling, the tiny object. Miniature art is precious like a jewel or small treasure box full of secret mementos that we always return to in the quiet recess of our heart.
In contrast to the large canvas, which dominates our attention, we are drawn privately to the miniature, because it fulfills our soul’s desire.
The miniature pay homage to restraint. If in the large canvas we admire the forest, in the small, it is the leaf. Miniature art portrays essence, the universal in the particular, the “universe in a grain of sand.” It reminds us to pay attention to what seems insignificant, to value and attend to the small. By heeding its call, we are gently drawn away from the grandiose down to our most intimate Self. This is the ultimate appeal.