Notes on Richard Tarnas’ “The Passion of the Western Mind: Understanding the Ideas that have Shaped our World View”

There is considerable psychological value in surveying the evolutionary course taken by the western mind and culture through it major eras – the classical, medieval, modern and now postmodern.  By doing so, insight is gained into the principle ideas behind our assumptions, attitudes, values and ways of life today, in the uncertainty of the contemporary world, often competing.  Such an exercise allows us to place them in perspective and make more informed choices on the direction of our lives, both collectively and individually.

In psychologically introspective individuals, my main concern, such an endeavor is not only intrinsically interesting in itself, but it can serve the purpose of encouraging intellectual self- examination and possibly provide the impetus for supporting or engaging in a far-reaching transformative process that fulfills the profounder demands of the present evolutionary drive for increased consciousness. 

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