Jung on Religion, Gnosticism, His Encounter with the East, and Alchemy

In this paper I briefly survey the importance that Jung placed on the religious instinct, his life long engagement with Christianity, as well as his abiding interest in Gnosticism, his encounter with the East, and his discovery of the Grail tradition and alchemy. I also look at Jung’s observations on Nazism, his realization of the living God and concept of the unus mundus. Jung sees Christianity as an ailing religion in need of healing. From his studies of the East, he gains much supportive knowledge that affirms his own empirical findings and personal experiences.

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Sri Aurobindo, Jean Gebser and the Evolutution of Consciousness: Insights for Depth Psychology

In this essay I trace the evolution of consciousness from the time of origins and the archaic structure of consciousness, through the magic structure, the mythical structure and the mental structure up to the present incipient integral culture of consciousness using Jean Gebser’s structural categories. Continue reading “Sri Aurobindo, Jean Gebser and the Evolutution of Consciousness: Insights for Depth Psychology”

Notes on Richard Tarnas’ “The Passion of the Western Mind: Understanding the Ideas that have Shaped our World View”

There is considerable psychological value in surveying the evolutionary course taken by the western mind and culture through it major eras – the classical, medieval, modern and now postmodern.  Continue reading “Notes on Richard Tarnas’ “The Passion of the Western Mind: Understanding the Ideas that have Shaped our World View””